Issue #11 - November 20, 1974


  • John Frankie


Editor and Layout: John Frankie Entertainment Editor: Peter Russell Layout: Barry Nesbitt. Alan Grover, Paul Dowling Sports: Haywood Hail Bruin, Mis. Stiff Photography: Al Lysaght, Nancy Bloom, Bruce McMulkin, Tony Caldwell Production: Barbara Muncro, Mary Lou Brinker, Charlie Northcote, Liz Brittain, Robin Peterson, Patricia Phillips, anne Megs, Jan Penhorwood, Sharon Kelly, Catherine Cooper, Larry Mohring, Roberta Powers, Cathy Scott, Milana Todroff, Marney Gattinger, Gillian King GCSU News: Budget problem Guimond resigns by Farrell Haynes Brass studs out of retirement by Mike Church Montreal civic elections: McLeod's perspective Tuning in on the tube - being and staying depressed by Doug Graham Life at the library: not all roses by Cindy Randall The hill is the problem Grab bag by Peter Russell Palestinian resistance: awakening consciousness of Palestinian people by Andrew Nikiforuk Bitch session: a remedy to minor irritations by Donna Yawching The lolo king - an Eulogy of greed Brussels sprouts coming soon by Barbara Munro 'Tis pity she's a whore too demanding for cast by Peter Russell Pls strike again A cohesive production of chamber music by Daryl Urquhart Child under a leaf: halfway bearable by Paul Dowling It's all happenin' at the zoo by Susan Elliott Eyewitness Sports Haywood Hail Bruin aided by Ms. Stiff Spinemen on top - Axemen oilers slip disc Fleur de leafs Maple Lys raked



