Issue #5 - October 9, 1974


  • John Frankie


Oct. 9, 1974. 12 pgs. Poor student handbook; Council off to poor start. Editor: John Frankie Layout: Allan Grover Photography: Bruce McMulkin, Nancy Bloom Entertainment Editor: Peter Russell Staff: Marie Claire Girard, Mary Lou Brinker, Barbara Munro, Hilary Forrest, Andrew Nikiforuk, Patricia Phillips, Anne Meggs, Sharon Kelly, Rhonda Nissenbaum, Farrel Haynes, Doug Graham, Larry Guimond, Bob Faulkner, Larry Mohring, Richard Wagman, Glen Gaynor, Paul Dowling, Barrie Wallis, Stephen Godfrey, Anne Marsalik, Susan Elliot, Glen Jones, Sophia Hadipetros, Janet Allwork, Barry Nesbitt, Chris Hume It's time for answers by Dorothy Miller by election 1974-75 coming Glendon student union smothered by red tape by Farrel Haynes Peace of mind by Sue Elliot Peaceful conscience found in competition GRAB BAG by Peter Russell Someone still has something to say about orientation week by Lance Romance Bookstore: by gosh the price is right by Cindy Randall Art gallery exhibitions by Catherine Cooper University loan hassles from OSAP by Paul Dowling Profile: Dr. Tucker Dramatic arts program Brussels sprouts by Larry Kardish El Che Vive by Andrew Nikiforuk Student handbook: a poor and patchy publication St. Pierre: more vacation than french school by Debra Scott Is the Canadian farmworker's situation better? Bumpkin's - Dover sole, shrimp and blue jeans by Donna Yawching Reynolds trades nuts for guts by G.E. Gaynor Hasek a rare treat for Glendon by Larry Guimond Sports





