Editor in Chief | Rédactrice en chef: Bruno Da Costa
Chief of Operations | Chef d’Operations: Sarah Tadjana
Assistant French Editor | Rédactrice adjointe (français): Camille Slaght
Assistant English Editor | Rédactrice adjointe (anglais): Sarah Ariza-Verreault
Media Officer | Agente de communications: Amanda Jose
Photography Editor | Rédactrice de photographie: Krysta Veneruz
Design and Layout | Maquettiste: Sam Kacaba
Section Editors | Chroniqueurs
Campus Life | Vie étudiante: Reeda Tariq
Issues and Ideas | Actualité et opinions: Alex Freeman
Metropolis | Métropole: Behrad Taeed
Arts and Entertainment | Arts et divertissement: Sandrine Exil
Health and Wellness | Santé et bien-être: Kaya Harris-Read
Expressions: Ayla Sljivar
In this issue
Vie étudiante: The value of a liberal arts degree and an update from GL’s inclusivity committee following yet another bomb threat
Arts and Entertainment:
A review of the intersectional Norwegian TV drama SKAM and a glowing review of a book made for bookworms!
Metropolis: A review of the Velvet Underground and Behrad’s tip for where to get best ice cream in Toronto
Issues and Ideas: An op-ed on gun control in the US following the terror in Vegas
Health and Wellness: A guide to introversion, the truth about caf food abroad, and a recipe for veggie curry!
Expressions: Poems of the heart and fashion for the soul