Oct. 14, 1969. 12 pgs.
Election and fees increase referendum; "only when one begins to participate in any student activity does one notice the lack of money."
Editor: Graham Muir
managing editor: andy michalski
art editor: brian pearl
sports editor: nick martin
business manager: harve hirsh
advertising manager: max marechaux
circulation maanger: doreen rotenberg
layout and production: claire, marilyn, bev, dave, andre, susanne
what do you want? where do we go from here? by andy michalski
council 'order' to overrule group participation by david starbuck
course unions wheeze by andrea foucault and jim albright
monetary crisis
olson dodges
who is the masked beaver?
student council candidates
faculty council candidates
romping animals rampage by nick martin
knight wins golf
bramberger amazed
forum imports phil ochs by andy raven
king rat and all the drowning young rats by larry scanlan