Oct. 15, 1965. 4pgs.
Editorial: Call for review of Election Act after C.R.D. declared election null and void and then decided he had been hasty and posted the results...a tie was decided by a flip of a coin..."if such poor turnouts persist in future elections we shall be reducing our elections to the vulgar status of popularity contests." Letter: "...it is encouraging to see that some people are aware of the communist menace." 1st pizza advertisement: Large with The Works - $3.00.
Editors: Bill Dampier, Mike Smedley
News editor: Ernie Rovet
Feature editor: J. Sonley
Photo editor: Paul Reed
Founders editor: Ron Graham
Tories, NDP hit Reid
Sex surveyed
Let's meet again...sooon
Council seats filled by Gary SMith
Saelala speaks
Poor turnout by Jack McCaffrey
Need a bus?
Reflections by Garth Jowett
Al's Alley by Alan Offstein
and from the Canadian University press service by Marian Fry
Sports news by Ian Wightman
Chile? just join hands and jump
Chappy's chatter by Don Chapman