Issue #5 - December 3, 2003


  • Chris Spraakman


Dec. 3, 2003 12 pgs. Theatre Glendon continues to stage ambitious productions; squatting protest demands for politicians to improve Toronto's affordable housing availability; society does not seem capable of fixing its negative desire for violence. Contributers: Gerard Stocker, David Bouquerel, R. Reid, Jon Swayze, Moi, Elle, Lui, Todd Cleland, Adil Mamodaly, Isabelle Cote, Jacqui Simon, Gerard Stocker, Sara O'Shaughessy, Jake Mitchell, Julien Daviau, Jennifer Capano, Todd Hustins, Alfonso Grufman, Frank Bolivar Editor-in-Chief: Chris Spraakman, Assistant Editor: Julie Marion Sage Layout: Rob Shaw, Chris Spraakman Photo Editor: Peter Garver Article titles: Behind the curtains of the Glendon Theatre We asked you Dear editor: The breasts of both worlds Congratulations on your coverage of sex, drugs and rocksponsibility Squatting: no problem-Toronto police Waydowntown is where the inhumanity begins Bilingual? We have a job at the latest sweatshop! "L'arriere-pays" des merveilles ou les metamorphoses du "je": "Alice" par Scrimoyee Mitra Freud revisite: "Le Visiteur" de Schmitt Poet: un voyage a travers la poesie de Daniel Jones Our black box nest Glendon students take their work to a new scene Poemes a trois voix La Thailande, terre de metamorphoses News in brief Awarding winning Canadian author Yann Martel will read from his best-selling novel "Life of Pi" Literary translation a fascinating hobby for Glendon professor The world needs a hug In-between days The intolerable question of religion Holiday shopping seem a little less than fair? Tattooing: something permanent on an ever-changing surface





