Issue #7 - February 3, 1997


  • Patrick Joly
  • Tanya Marissen


Feb. 3, 1997. 12 pgs. Lorna Marsden appointed new President of York University; a feature on anorexia and physique in honour of eating disorder awareness week. Contributers: Sarah Moore, Johanne Tremblay, Adam Gorley, Jason Kandankery, A. Cameron Branston, Chad Luff, Helen Juvonen, Allan Best, Beth Lord, Ronnie, Erik Bordeleau, M-J Milloy, Tanya Newanda Co-Editors: Patrick Joly, Tanya Morissen Assistant Editors: Stephanie Sleightholm, Amber Phalen, Julie Arseneault Arts Editors: Jane Gorley Sports Editors: Alison Sammut Features Editor: Michael Gruzuk Fiction and Poetry Editor: Joel Ramirez Photography Editors: Pam Zotalis Production: David Bolduc Advertising Manager: Lindsay Moody Distribution Manager: Jane Gorley Revisions: Danusia Szwejkowska Article titles: Inflating tempers (editorial) Megacity has mega potential BRAVO! '97 Glendon's Winter Carnival Marsden chosen as new York president Une victoire pour l'education franco-ontarienne! Semaine de lecture abolie: L'AECG forme une coalition Ondaatje, hote d'une deuxieme conference Fail-out rates lower in residence, study says Universities and colleges team up to grant joint degrees Once obscure aboriginal leader now hero of partition movement Eating disorders still common among women Why do I wear green? How going to the movies supports Mike Harris Theatre review: Wounds to the Face I'm not Rappaport Fierce Creatures is a poor imitation of Wanda Our Lady Peace's new album is quite Clumsy The Rite of Spring TUne up coming up Candice Pacheco The world of sports Superbowl or super joke? Three lines free Fiction and poetry





