Issue #17 - March 25, 1996


  • Patrick Joly


Mar. 25, 1996. 8 pgs. Acadia University students face tuition increase to pay for school computers; students disagree with University of Alberta's decision to offer Ralph Klein an honourary degree. Contributers: Stu Clark, Jessica Gavin, H.S. Harris, Dawn Palin, Michael Plato, Shanley White, Juliette Williams Editor-in-Chief: Patrick Joly Assistant Editors: Suzanne Hinks, Robert Goldkind, Julie Gauvin Arts Editor: Nathalie-Roze Fischer Sports Editor: (open) Features Editor: Tanya Marissen Fiction and Poetry Editor: Michael F. Jursic Photography Editors: Jane Gorley, John Wilson Production: Andreia Bandeira, Teresa Finik, John Gazo Typesetters: Lisa Walker Advertising Manager: (open) Distribution Manager: Christopher Raymond Revisions: Marie-Eve Blais Article titles: Glendon se prepare pour son 35ieme News in brief Une page d'histoire Acadia students pay to join information age Editorial: USA-defenders of truth, justice, and the American way (or no way at all) Rantings and ravings A farewell to thirty years at Glendon College Ethical relativity Our students have skills McMaster offers retirement package to cut budget U of A students don't think Klein deserves honourary degree Three lines free SXSW-an extended David Lynch moment Lucky strike Oscar predictions CRTC attacks Canadian kids shows Psychic alliance to come to Glendon Wall's relevancy called into question Perot chooses running mate





