Rédactrice-en-chef: Nathalie-Roze Fischer
Assistant Editors: Marlaine Lindsay, Emily-Pohl Weary
Assistant à la rédaction: Julie Gauvin, Dominique Marcotte
Entertainment Editor: Johanne Tremblay
Sports Editor: Paul Grewal
Fiction and Poetry Editor: Priscille Oxendine
Advertising Manager: Patrick Joly
Distribution: Chris Struk
Production: Chantal Harvey, Simon Marchand, Eric Tremblay
Photography Editor: Liam O'Neil
Features Editor: Sarah Shaughnessy
Copy Editors:: Jill Havens, Manon Harvey, Sonja Thomason
Typesetters: Suzanne Hinks, Lisa Walker, Dianna Bustamente
Collaborateurs: Anthony Bernett, David Bolduc, Catherine Hunt, Shelagh Lemke, Todd McDaniel, Jill Mahoney, Marc-Antoine Vericain
Exodus to Ottawa by Marlaine Lindsay
Le Bloc refrait surface by Julie gauvin
Editorial: Quel avenir?!
Letters to the editor
Le débat sur l'immigration by Shelagh Lemke
Municipal elections
Censorship: to ban or not to ban by Marlaine Lindsay
New trends in women's health care by Emily-Pohl Weary
A propos d'une pub by David Bolduc
Quand le Canada a les "bleus" by Dominique Marcotte
Carleton's anti-DOMINO's Pizza by Jill Mahoney
Paglia mouths off at U of T by Catherine Hunt
Toronto alternative papers shows advertisers still have clouds
Health plan: ou en sont les choses? plan de santé where do we stand? by Marc-Antoine Vericain
Hot trip to heaven with Love and Rockets by Johanne Tremblay
Talking stress
Title (in stores now) by Liam O'Neil
Roll with it baby (just stay off the pavement) by Paul Grewal
When the puck doesn't drop by Lisa Walker and Suzanne Hinks
Volleyball by Paul Grewal
Poetry and Fiction:
sans titre
the nostromo
97 degrees W, 50 degrees N
Our First Time
Degré poscrit