Sept. 12, 1973. 12 pgs.
Editorial: York pulls the gun on the union (CUPE).
Residences full despite fee hike; Enrollment falls short.
Editor-in-Chief: Brock Phillips
Entertainment Editor: Larry Mohring
photo Editor: Dave Fuller,
Sports Editor: Brock Phillips,
Business Manager: Greg Cockburn,
Staff: Allan Grover, Lorne Prince
Residences full despite fee hikes by Greg Cockburn
York transfers night cleaning staff hires contractor by Allan Grover
Enrollment falls short
Lunatic radical fringe
Counsellors give help when you need it
Excalibur death sentence commuted
Bug out Marilyn
Red Rocket two-bit ride to York Main
York pulls the gun on union
This man needs help
Don Juan's or authority figures
Don't eat dem Dare cookies by Mike Rohatynsky
Did underworld links lead to Laporte's death?
New anti-trust suits rock oil industry
Robots replace militants in European auto factories
Union bosses peacekeep for US car makers
Gauthier is close to signing contract by Brock Phillips
Jock day today
BMOC comes back
Athletics at Glendon
Radio Glendon growing, expanding by Howie Kirk