Apr. 2, 1975. 12 pgs.
Parting shots from the editor's desk.
Editor and Layout: John Frankie
Entertainment Editor: Peter Russell
Layout: Paul Dowling
Sports: Haywood Hail Bruin, Ms. Stiff
Photography: Al Lysaght, Nancy Bloom, Bruce McMulkin, Tony Caldwell
Cartoons: Ron Munro
Production: Barbara Munro, Mary Lou Brinker, Charlie Northcote, Liz Brittain, Robin Peterson, Patricia Phillips, Anne Meggs, Jan Penhorwood, Sharon Kelly, Catherine Cooper, Larry Mohring Roberta Powers, Cathy Scott, Milana Todroff, Marney Gattinger, Gillian King
National students' union to meet here
Participation du quebec
Another part of life at Glendo by Kevin Fullbrook
Finally - Graham's exclusive interview with god!
Parting shots from the editor's desk 1974-75
Grab bag
Answer to university financial problem - fee hike by Paul Dowling
RCMP interrogation
Glendon : an education by Paul Dowling
Pro Tem needs you!
Administration has edge - student senator by Tony Hall
"A revoluation is not a dinner party" - mao ts-tsung by A. Nikiforuk
Juno what I saw the other night? by Bob Faulkner
A Glendon open house
Toronto the good - an american perspective
Rockin on a Saturday night
Library deadline
Journal de France by Gordon McIvor
Eyewitness sports Part of life at Glendon