Issue #4 - October 2, 1974


  • John Frankie


Oct. 2, 1974. 12 pgs. Radio Glendon: Where to now? by Barry Wallis. Editor: John Frankie Layout Allan Grover Photohraphy: Bruce McMulkin, Nancy Bloom Entertainment Editor: Peter Russell Staff: Marie Claire Girard, Mary Lou Brinker, Barbara Munro, Hilary Forrest, Andrew Nikiforuk, Patricia Phillips, Anne Meggs, Sharon Kelly, Rhonda Nissenbaum, Farrel Haynes, Doug Graham, Larry Guimond, Bob Faulkner, Larry Mohring, Richard Wagman, Glen Gaynor, Paul Dowling, Barrie Wallis, Stephen Godfrey, Anne Marsalik, Susan Elliot, Glen Jones, Sophia Hadiperros, Janet Allwork, Barry Nesbitt, Chris Hume OFS: bizarre! by Marie Claire Girard OFS mounts student aid campaign by Allan Grover Student union appointments by Farrel Haynes What's made in grapes is lost in bananas RADIO GLENDON: Where to now? by Barrie Wallis Dime Bag offers creative outlet for you by Stephen Godfrey GRAB BAG by Peter Russell Competition not necessary by Greg Martin Happy to be here from community college by Doug Graham The united way The mistake that was orientation '74 Nikiforuk's reply Successful Toronto boycott crucial for UFW victory Montoneros guerrillas press Isabel Peron's junta by Andrew Nikiforuk From Boyne to the Batoche by Sophia Hadzipetros Janis Joplin: a women left lonely and blue by S. Elliot Hosanna: a gripping tale by Donny Yanching No boogie tonite by Paul Dowling A lime in the morning by Peter Russell Polanski's China town by G.E. Gaynor Hasek coming to Glendon by Larry Guimond Hockey Glendon Dean Gentles: a very personable man by Ann Marsalik





