Sept. 11, 1974. 8 pgs.
Editor: John Frankie
Staff: Greg Cockburn, Barb Munro, Sharon kelly, Pat Phillips
What is the character of Glendon?
Glendon's raison d'etre!?
APATHY: A fashionable cry
Is anybody there?
Sports by John Frankie
Smith is president~elect by Brock Phillips
'Merchant' well received
Doug Siddal and Charlie Northcote Rock 'n' Roll in 'The Merchant'
'Everyman' acclaimed
Hey what's going on here!Give us strength by Sylvia Vandershee
King City Slickers
to carry on by Paul Pichard
Grape and lettuce boycott
The old wash 'n wear done wore me out
CBC special events
Cafe de la Terrasse
Liberalism by Andrew Nikiforuk
The plight of women athletics at Glendon by Pat Chuchryk